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Christian Daily Devotional

God The Defender | Christian Daily Devotional

God The Defender Daily Devotional

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

Isaiah 1:17


Why do you think in the scripture so many times God asks us to defend the fatherless and help the widows and orphans?

I think it’s because often, they can’t defend themselves.


God wants us to help those who can’t help themselves.

Widows, elders, orphans, fatherless….. they are all just as precious in his sight as the next person.


If they need help we should show them love and stand up for them.

Are you familiar with the Lorax?


The Dr. Seuss character who spoke up for the trees?

He stood up for the trees because they couldn’t stand up and speak for themselves.


This is a very biblical principle!

Any time you see an injustice, it is your duty to stand up and seek justice.


Seek out the right thing and the righteous path.

I know its hard and I know we sometimes fail, but It’s something we should work on and strive for, especially in today’s world.


Evil is around every corner, and if we don’t seek justice and speak up, who will?

  • Prayer:  God give me the courage I need to stand up for what’s right.  In every conversation, in every situation, please help me to seek justice and stand up for those people who can’t stand up for themselves.  The ones that you love just as dearly as I and you call them your children just as I am one of your children, please help me to always help them when I am given the opportunity and help me to even seek out opportunities to help and do the right thing.  Thank you for your grace and love on this journey, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Kristie Johnson

    September 29, 2020 at 12:42 pm

    That’s a beautiful reminder, as we start our day, on how to live a righteous life in this world. Thank you! Bless.

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