Isaiah 60:1
How thankful I am for Jesus! For the grace that he gives us, the sacrifice that he made for us, and the light that he is in the darkness.
The next verse after this one says
“See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the people, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.”
So where is our help in times of darkness and trouble? He’s there!
Always shining his light into us and through us. Since we have the indwelling of the spirit of Christ, we can and should also be that light to others.
When times are dark like the world we have come to dwell in today, we can be assured that Christ is our light, and he will continue to draw people unto himself and continue to save by his grace.
Healing Scripture: Finding Comfort and Wellness in the Holy Bible
Scripture for Today: Using Biblical Affirmations for a Positive Day
You Should Guard Your Heart According to Scripture
Bible Verses on Relationships
The Scripture on FORGIVENESS
Nothing Is Impossible With God | Christian Daily Devotional
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